Search Results
Aorta to Superior Mesenteric Artery and Hepatic Artery Bypass (Eric Peden, MD, Manuel Rojo, MD)
Retrograde Aortic to Superior Mesenteric and Hepatic Artery Bypass (A. Lumsden, MD; M. Zubair, MD)
Aorto-Hepatic Bypass Using a Novel Aortic Anastomotic Device (Matthew Bennett, MD)
Aorto-Hepatic Bypass Using a Novel Aortic Anastomotic Device
Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome (SMAS)
SMA Embolectomy Maham Rahimi, MD, PhD, RPVI, & Travis Vowels, MD
Robotic Duodenojejunostomy
Video abstract | Hepatic artery reconstruction using saphenous vein
Replaced common hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric during pancreaticodoudenectomy .
Reversible Acute Mesenteric Ischemia
ICG Identifying Replaced Left Hepatic Artery
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome